* See also Soil Science & Permaculture

"Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, & other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal & other products used to sustain & enhance human life."(W) Animal Science (also Animal Bioscience) is described as "...studying the biology of animals that are under the control of humankind."(W) In these disciplines one seeks to provide sustainably through nourishment, fuels, fibers, medicines, & raw materials from plants & animals. Examples of impacted areas are: animal behavior; antibiotics, hormones & other medicinal aspects; biofuels; cereals; cut flowers; economics; genetics; law; marketing; nursery plants; nutrition; pesticides; physiology; reproduction; & soils. See Permaculture and Soil Science.
Animal Science Courses:
Refer to catalog page 115
(PDF page 117)

George Washington Carver
Scientist/Botanist/ Agriculturist