A Physician Assistant is part of a healthcare team of collaborating doctors and other medical providers. They have a wide range of specialties and their training is based on medical education but only takes two-three years of full-time study at the master degree level. Post-master degree study is required for some specialties. Clinical rotations include family medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, emergency medicine, and geriatric medicine. How much is PA a trusted and respected profession? Example: There are Military Physician Assistants working in the White House who provide medical care to the POTUS.
Sample Courses at MC: CHEM M01A, CHEM M01B, BIOL M02A, BIOL M02B, ANAT M01, PHSO M01, MICR M01, ENGL M01A,
ENGL M01B OR ENGL M01C. I strongly recommend PSY M01 and SOC M01 which often show up as being required. Depending on the campus, MATH ranges from MATH M03 - MATH M15 - MATH M16A and/or MATH M16B. Additional courses could include CHEM M07A, CHEM M07B, PHYS M10A, PHYS M10AL, PHYS M10B, PHYS M10BL, SPAN M01, SPAN M02, and courses to develop cultural competency such as ANTH M02.