Acupuncture - Asian Medicine - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Doctors of Eastern/Asian Medicine practice medicine through a range of practices that usually originated in China where they are mainstream. In the USA, they are considered alternative medicine & are not usually covered by insurance. The practice includes such treatments as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, massage and Qi Gong. Many USA MDs practicing Integrative Medicine are also acupuncturists. The BLS refers us to Chiropractic Medicine to get a sense of the occupational profile for doctors of Eastern Medicine.
The minimum prerequisites for the Doctor of Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine degree at Baystr University is a master's degree (or its equivalent) in acupuncture or acupuncture and Eastern medicine from an ACAOM-candidate or -accredited program. Applicants must also be licensed in their home state or in Washington state and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The minimum cumulative GPA for required courses is 2.75.