Nutritionist/Dietician (RD)
Dietetic and Nutritional Science
Nutritionists & Dieticians (RD) are highly qualified professionals who are nationally recognized as experts on food and nutrition and can be found in a variety of settings. Management dietitians work in health care institutions, schools, cafeterias, and restaurants. They are responsible for personnel management, menu planning, budgeting, and purchasing. Clinical dietitians are a vital part of the medical team in hospitals, nursing homes, health maintenance organizations and other healthcare facilities. They work with doctors, nurses, and therapists to help speed patients recovery and lay the groundwork for long-term health. Opportunities for advancement are available by choosing a particular area of nutrition, such as diabetes, heart or pediatrics. Community dietitians work in public and home health agencies, daycare centers, health and recreations clubs and in government-funded programs that feed and counsel families, the elderly, pregnant women, children, disabled and underprivileged individuals. Wherever proper nutrition can help improve quality of life, they reach out to the public to teach, monitor and advise. Educator dietitians work in colleges, universities, and community or technical schools, teaching future doctors, nurses, dietitians and dietetic technicians the sophisticated science of foods and nutrition. Other specialties are Research, Consultant, Business, and Technical. Graduate level degrees are highly desired.
Refer to catalog pages 263-264
(PDF pages 265-266)