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Where You Go, There You Are!

"I said to my children, “I'm going to work and do everything that I can

do to see that you get a good education. I don't ever want you to

forget that there are millions of God's children who will not and

cannot get a good education, and I don't want you feeling that you

are better than they are. For you will never be what you ought to be

until they are what they ought to be.”

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Where to Go to Volunteer Abroad

“The vision of the board and chancellor is to build a better future for California by

providing exceptional leadership, advocacy and support on behalf of California's

Community Colleges. These efforts will foster access, success and lifelong learning for

all students while simultaneously advancing the state's interests in a skilled workforce

and an educated citizenry.”

~California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office

Community colleges have the charge of helping students transfer to universities; to develop career/ vocational skills, and to engage in lifelong learning. Students range in age from early adolescent to senior citizens. Some students are straight out of high school with little or no work experience. Some are older returning students with a wealth of work experience. Due to diversity in age and experience, students new to the workforce will find the agencies denoted with a single asterisk * more appropriate. I have included some faith based programs designated by (**). If a site includes study abroad information, I indicated so by (***) for now.

You will be able to secure academic credits for your work. Some programs are credit granting but all will assist you in gaining credit through your campus albeit some agencies are more organized and supportive in helping you secure credits than others. The agency Green Peace recommends that you do the following as I have paraphrased from their website: "Start the process as soon as possible. Any program will be happy to help you work through any challenges you may have. If you have declared a major, check if you have an internship or independent study requirement or opportunity. Set up a meeting to determine requirements and expectations. Write a proposal and submit it to your advisor or dean. Remember to call a few days later to follow-up and set up another meeting. If they have any questions, ask them to contact the agency. Often students are asked to submit a final ten to fifteen-page paper at the close of the semester or quarter."

You will find that the more job skills and work history you have, the more likely you are to find a position that will pay your travel, room, and board expenses. Other programs would expect you to pay your own way but the cost would be minimal as compared to what an everyday traveler or tourist would pay. This type of experience is known as a Volunteer Holiday. Real world experience and the boost to your résumé would make the cost well worth what you would pay. Many sites have tips for fund raising to finance your trip.

Following is a list of agencies for community college, university students, and anyone else with the desire and the willingness to serve in the global community.This list is forever updating. Please email me at to recommend additions, deletions, suggestions, or to inform me of broken links and closed websites.

No matter where you go, there you are!

The Agencies…

Agency Name: Acción

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia and Latin America

Additional Information: This program is appropriate for university graduates and is not for freshmen and sophomore students. Fluency in English or other language is mandatory. Preference is given to students 21 years or older and who are post-baccalaureate students. “ACCION International's Ambassadors Program is a volunteer program whose goal is to send dedicated individuals to the field to document the impact of microfinance on the lives of the poor.”

Agency Name: ACDI/VOCA

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, The Caribbean, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: This program is appropriate for students with in depth work experience who are independent travelers and are experienced workers. It helps to have agriculture or animal science experience.

Agency Name: Acid Survivors Trust International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Uganda

Additional Information: This assignment would not be for the faint of heart. They prefer the more experienced volunteer. This program is well suited to students majoring in the health sciences.

Agency Name: Adventist Development and Relief Agency

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia (East and South), the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, South America, South Pacific, USA

**Additional Information: This program is best suited to international students with citizen or permanent residency in one of the host countries or to U.S. Citizens who are expatriates. One, though, may be interested in volunteering in the U.S. base of operation.

Agency Name: Africare

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa

Additional Information: Only USA opportunities are available for the novice volunteer. One would provide support to the international workers and to help with fund raising events. There is a demand, though, for international volunteers with technical skills.

Agency Name: Alliance for International and Cultural Exchange

Does the agency grant academic credit? - N/A, Credit could be earned from some of the recommended programs.

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

***Additional Information: This is not a volunteer agency but is an exchange locator for educational and cultural opportunities. The site is included for those seeking international travel through a means other than volunteer work. One could find educational programs and grant information from such sources such as the Fulbright Foundation.

Agency Name: American Dental Association (International Dental Volunteer Organizations)

Does the agency grant academic credit? - N/A, there is a possibility through some of the listed programs.

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Canada, Oceania, the Caribbean, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East

**Additional Information: This is a locator service for professionals, dental students and pre-dental students. The dental professions include doctor of dentistry, dental lab technicians and dental hygienists. The ADA recently published a policy for dental science and pre-dental science students. The essential statement is as follows: “Resolved, that it be policy of the American Dental Association (ADA) that students in U.S. dental schools and pre-dental programs who participate in a dental outreach program (e.g., international service trips, domestic service trips, volunteerism in underserved areas, etc.) be strongly encouraged: To adhere to the ASDA Student Code of Ethics and the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct; To be directly supervised by dentists licensed to practice or teach in the United States; To perform only procedures for which the volunteer has received proper education and training.

Agency Name: American Field Service and AFS Intercultural Programs

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Canada, Oceania, the Caribbean, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: The main focus of the program is intercultural exchange. It is run mostly by volunteers.

Agency Name: American Friends Service Committee

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Middle East, Latin America, United Nations Office

**Additional Information: They were given the 1945 Nobel Peace Prize for their humanitarian work. Albeit faith base, they take volunteers of all religious and spiritual beliefs and they do not push their faith on anyone and rarely mention that they are Quakers

Agency Name: American Red Cross

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): They are practically in every country

Additional Information: Very few international opportunities are available because they prefer to use local volunteers but keep looking for international opportunities through your local office.

*Agency Name: Americares

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Connecticut - but your work would benefit people in Africa, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, India, and Latin America

Additional Information: Volunteers and interns are welcome but volunteers are not sent to international locations and usually work at the headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut or one of their free clinics in other cities of Connecticut. The ability to communicate in English and Spanish or English and Portuguese is a plus. They prefer volunteers 21 years of age or older. Even though they would not assign you to an overseas location, at the headquarters office, you would be in the hub of where the international work is organized and you would have a tremendous learning experience about the nature of international relief


*Agency Name: Amigos de las Américas (AMIGOS)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No but they do indicate that they provide support in seeking college and university credit.

Volunteer Location(s): Latin America

Additional Information: Depending on where you live you will volunteer through a local chapter or the national headquarters in Texas. They encourage colleges to have students volunteer in groups so that there is a shared experience albeit students are assigned to individual host families.

*Agency Name: Amity Institute

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Europe (Italy, Germany, Spain)

Additional Information: “They aim to build cultural understanding through their teacher volunteers. Any student or teacher over age 20 can serve as an intern or volunteer teacher. Applicants without a teaching credential or a college degree would need to be enrolled in an education or pre-education/credential program. Get your college counselor to vouch that you are a pre-education or pre-credential student.

*Agency Name: Amizade (Portuguese for friendship)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes – Academic credit is available through the Office of International Programs at the University of West Virginia

Volunteer Location(s): The Navajo Nation, Washington, D.C., and Bolivia, Brazil, Ghana, Jamaica, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Poland, Tanzania,

Additional Information: Volunteers can participate in open volunteer groups, specialized placement and service learning groups

*Agency Name: BaseCamp International Centers

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Tanzania

Additional Information: For all age groups this organization takes excellent care of the participants while giving opportunities for service that includes working in health and medical care, teaching, conservation, child care and micro-finance. They have special programs for high school and gap year students. They'll give you support in raising funds to pay for your participation in the program.

*Agency Name: Blue Ventures (Discovery through Research)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No but they will work with you to help you gain credit through your college or university (or even secondary school).

Volunteer Location(s): Belize, Madagascar, Malaysia

Additional Information: Green/Environmental posts are available. They are in partnership with UNICEF.

*Agency Name: Bread for the World

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: If you are interested in helping a group committed to world hunger and world climate change then you may like this organization. They have many suggestions on how one could help while volunteering in the United States because they do not offer international field placement. None the less, I noted them for you because you could devise a fund raising activity on your campus for them and work with one of your professors for service learning and independent studies credit for your effort.

Agency Name: CARE

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): They are located in 87 countries around the world.

Additional Information: For those students 18 years or older. CARE partners with many organizations and the list is ever changing and growing. I am personally familiar with their partnership in Peru with Cross Cultural Solutions. Volunteers are handled through their fellowship and Internship programs. Neither program would work out for most community college students. The fellowship program is for graduate and post-doctorate students and the internship program is for junior level or high school students. You could be eligible for a placement as you make the transition from community college to a university or after your first year at a university. Students not planning to transfer would not be eligible.

*Agency Name: Casa De Los Amigos

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Mexico City, Mexico

**Additional Information: In addition to volunteers from multiple locations and age groups, they take Interns from community colleges and universities and have established intern/volunteer support programs with such schools as Bryn Mawr in Pennsylvania. Independent and dependent travelers both would love this program. If you are one of their official volunteers or interns they would meet you at the airport and they would help you secure safe transportation back to the airport for your departure. Within the confines of their guest house you would find the opportunity to converse in English or to speak Spanish. Intermediate Spanish language skills are usually required but from time-to-time opportunities arise for the beginner learner of Spanish. See the accompanying essay beginning on page 22 for interviews with some of the Casa De Los Amigos Volunteers.

*Agency Name: Catholic Volunteer Network

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No but they work with colleges and universities to help students gain campus based units.

Volunteer Location(s): They are all over the world with at least 200 associated programs and locations.

**Additional Information: Service with this program could qualify you for a student loan deferment. They are associated with AmeriCorps which could pay you over $5,000.00 for a year of volunteer service.

*Agency Name: Catholic Relief Services

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North Africa -- Practically where ever there is need on the planet they or an affiliate faith based group can be found.

**Additional Information: They don't place volunteers in overseas positions but they are associated with other faith based groups with placement. You may like to take a look at their connections and recommendations.

Agency Name: Central European Teaching Program

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Hungary, Czech Republic

Additional Information: This program is for you if you have already earned a bachelor degree. Paid teaching positions are available for conversational fluency done through in-class room instruction, games and field trips. Good hearing is required.

Agency Name: Child Reach

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: They do no place volunteers but they could use your support in fund raising through campus based activities.

Agency Name: Church World Service

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): China

**Additional Information: They connect students with Amity for volunteer teaching positions in China. United States based fundraising would prove helpful.

Agency Name: Comboni Lay Missionary Program

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Latin America

**Additional Information: Not for the novice. Assignments are 14 weeks of training and three years in the field. They only accept practicing Catholics (in good standing with the church) who express their faith in service to the poor who are citizens of the USA and Canada are between the ages of 24 and 54.

Agency Name: Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Chile, China, Dominican Republic, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United States of America, Vietnam

Additional Information: They are a program for interns and seasonal employees coming to the USA from foreign countries but they do offer abroad English teaching assignments for US university graduates. It could be fun for you to consider taking on one of their USA seasonal assignments to work alongside the foreign workers. Even though you would remain in the United States, you would still have a cross-cultural experience and, maybe, an opportunity to practice speaking in a foreign language.

*Agency Name: Cross-Cultural Solutions My TOP PICK!

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No but they would verify your work for independent studies or internship programs on your home campus.

Volunteer Location(s): Africa (Ghana, Morocco, South African, Tanzania), Asia (China, India, Thailand), Eastern Europe (Russia), Latin America (Brazil, Cost Rica, Guatemala, Peru)

Additional Information: This is my number one pick for a pay as you go mini-peace corps service! They take exceptionally good care of the volunteers with secure housing, drivers, translators, tour guides, cooks, and housekeepers. Most assignments have a requirement of a three week stay but some of the Latin American locations have a special offer for spring breakers able to stay for one or two weeks. They provide services oriented to At-risk Youths, Childhood Development, Elder Care, Disability and Accessibility, Skill-Based Training, HIV/AIDS Education and Support, Access to Health Care, and Empowering Women. Volunteers under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. They get volunteers of all ages from adolescents to senior citizens. They provide ideas and support for those needing to raise funds to pay for travel and they are really great at verifying students’ activities for academic credit.

Agency Name: DEVEX: International Development

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – It is possible. Check their extensive list of opportunities.

Volunteer Location(s): Central Africa, Central Asia, East Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North Africa, North America, Oceania, South Asia, West Africa

Additional Information: This site is more of a resource for identifying paid and unpaid positions so there are offerings for volunteer, internships, grants and paid positions. It is updated frequently sometimes several times in one day.

Agency Name: Doctors without Borders / Medecins San Frontieres

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: The link shows you where the main offices are located but I have spoken to a branch office in Los Angeles that is not indicated on the website. Community college students would not qualify for field work but could possibly find a volunteer position in one of the offices. Internships are available but are for the highly skilled and educated applicants. Also keep an eye out for their activities. Sometimes they set up exhibits in various US communities.

*Agency Name: Do Something

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: They are not an organization for sending out volunteers. Instead they provide ideas, seed money, scholarships and support for students wanting to engage in projects of service and leadership.

*Agency Name: Experiential Learning International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, South Asia

***Additional Information: This site includes study abroad information. Travel scholarships and essay writing contests are available. Their projects include the fields of teaching, child care, health care and the environment.

*Agency Name: The Experiment in International Living / USA Branch

(For High School Students)

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No, but they support high school students in earning service learning credits.

Volunteer Location(s): They have 30 locations in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Pacific.

Additional Information: It is only open to high school and home school students. So if you are taking college and university courses for high school graduation, then this program is appropriate for you. Programs are open to all students who have completed their ninth, tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade year but are not yet college students. Projects include language training, arts exploration, and eco-adventure.

Agency Name: Florida International Volunteer Corps

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Canada, the Caribbean, Latin America, the United States of America

Additional Information: Most of the volunteers are from Florida and they volunteer in-state, the Caribbean, and Latin America. If you are interested in their program, ask them how they process out of state volunteers.

*Agency Name: Food for the Hungry

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

**Additional Information: One just need to be 18 years or older to join an international team.

*Agency Name: Friends for Asia

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Thailand

Additional Information: Founded by a former Peace Corps volunteer. Projects include teaching English, and work with monks, orphanages, girls homes, recovering victims of human trafficking, HIV patients and endangered elephants (yes indeed, elephants).

*Agency Name: GeoVisions

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Ecuador, Jordan, Malta, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, the United States of America, Vietnam, Zambia

Additional Information: Paid teaching positions are available. Volunteer positions include community development and wild life conservation.

*Agency Name: Global Citizens Network

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes. CEU credits are given and support is given to help students earn units back at their home campuses.

Volunteer Location(s): Indigenous communities in the following countries: Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Thailand, United States of America where the indigenous communities include the Quileute People of La Push-Washington

Additional Information: Their volunteers range from age eight to age 93.

Agency Name: Global Jewish Advocacy

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

**Additional Information: This is not a volunteer agency but I found it to be of interest because it comments on various human rights news items and other agencies so it could prove to be a resource for identifying agencies for volunteers and interns not indicated in my list. Also, volunteer and internships exist in their offices in the various United States of America locations. It is nice site and service for gaining one perspective of international human rights issues.

*Agency Name: Global Routes

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No but they offer excellent support for you to earn units or credits from your campus.

Volunteer Location(s): Argentina, Belize, China, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Thailand

Additional Information: This is a program for high school through senior citizens albeit they provide excellent support to high school and gap year college and university students. Financial aid is available.

*Agency Name: Global Service Corps

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes, nine through 15 semester credits are given through the Tanzania program. Credits are granted through SUNY-Albany or, of course, support is given for earning credit through your own academic institution.

Volunteer Location(s): Cambodia, Tanzania, Thailand

Additional Information: This program is for all age groups from high school students through senior citizens for assignments working with projects for sustainability, HIV patients, orphanages, health and the teaching of English.

*Agency Name: Global Vision International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Over forty countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America

Additional Information: Their projects include teaching English and sports, wild life conservation, marine conservation, and child care.

*Agency Name: Global Volunteer Network

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Canada, Latin America, Oceania, the United States of America

Additional Information: They are recognized by Bill Gates and CNN. They take excellent care of the volunteers.

*Agency Name: Global Volunteers A Top Pick!

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, USA

Additional Information: For high school students through senior citizens. Projects include work with children, the elderly and building repair.

*Agency Name: Go Abroad

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - N/A

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Australia (and Oceania), Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Russia, Latin America, Middle East, the United States of America

***Additional Information: This site is a resource not just for international volunteering but for study abroad including for earning high school and higher education diplomas at highly accredited institutions. This site is a locater service.

Agency Name: Go Eco: Volunteer for Ecological & Humanitarian Projects

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - N/A

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Israel, Latin America

Additional Information: Resource website directing people to other sites.

*Agency Name: The God's Child Project

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Malawi, United States of America

Additional Information: Their projects include community outreach, human right shelter, and nutrition.

*Agency Name: Green Peace

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No, but they are very supportive in helping students gain credit and have very specific guidelines for doing so as stated in the following excerpt which is appropriate for: “We have worked with hundreds of students to secure credits, and we are happy to help you work through any challenges you may have. We encourage you to start this process as soon as possible. We’ve had students able to secure credits within weeks of their acceptance. If you have declared a major, check if you have an internship or independent study requirement. Set up a meeting to determine requirements and expectations. Write a proposal (using the Greenpeace Semester description below) and submit to your advisor or Dean. Remember to call a few days later to follow-up and set up another meeting. If they have any questions, ask them to contact us. Often students are asked to submit a final ten to fifteen-page paper at the close of the semester.”

Volunteer Location(s): Global and USA

Additional Information: Open to Canadian and US citizens. Their volunteers are as young as age 14. This program is for students 18 – 14 years of age. They have a semester training project in Washington, D.C. They also take student volunteers to help at domestic and international environmental disaster sites. Your work with Green Peace would benefit both domestic and global projects.

Agency Name: Groundworks Opportunities

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Cambodia

Additional Information: They are super flexible with scheduling. All you have to do is reach one of their sites on your own.

*Agency Name: Habitat for Humanity's Global Village Volunteer Program

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East, Oceania

Additional Information: The assignments are for two weeks. Volunteers fund raise and build homes.

*Agency Name: Habitat for Humanity's International Volunteer Program

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East, Pacific

Additional Information: Many assignments are long term and involve fund raising and building homes.

*Agency Name: Heifer International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the United States of America

Additional Information: “Heifer works to end world hunger and poverty in a way that cares for the Earth by providing sustainable gifts of livestock and agricultural training to people struggling for food and income.”

Agency Name: Helen Keller International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Europe, USA

Additional Information: Their work is to prevent and treat blindness and malnutrition. Just a few internships and volunteer positions are available and you would have to send a résumé and cover letter with your request. If you are selected, you will hear back from them. Click “Careers” on their website for more information.

Agency Name: Helping Hands

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: This is a site for ideas about fund raising and volunteering and essays related to developing a community minded consciousness in children and adults. I included it because the essays make good and illuminating reading.

*Agency Name: Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

**Additional Information: This site has links to partner agencies that offer volunteer, internship and travel educational opportunities connected to Israel and the Jewish faith.

Agency Name: The Hunger Project

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Latin America, South Asia

Additional Information: Volunteer opportunities are in New York City but on your home campus you could fundraise for the organization. As a financial investor, you could join them on one of the international site visits.

Agency Name: Idealist / Philanthropy Host Family Service

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: This site is a locator service for volunteer opportunities.

Agency Name: iLeap (The Center for Critical Service)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

Additional Information: They work to identify potential social change agents in Africa, Asia and Latin America and bring them to a three month training institute in Seattle, Washington. On the other hand, they sometimes have openings for volunteers from Canada and the United States of America to participate in iLeap Outbound in their programs in the countries with which they are in partnership.

Agency Name: Institute for Global Communications

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: This is a resource list for volunteer opportunities.

Agency Name: Institute of International Education

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

***Additional Information: Study Abroad, travel scholarships and travel research opportunities information is provided. Regularly check the site for updates for the reference to volunteer opportunities.

*Agency Name: Intern Abroad (Go Abroad)

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Caribbean, Eastern and Western Europe, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: An excellent directory. Check daily their directory for over 27,000 volunteer and intern opportunities.

*Agency Name: International Student Volunteers

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes, it is possible through a partner university. “Since 2002, nearly 2,000 students from hundreds of universities across North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have received academic credit through independent study or transfer credit from an ISV partner university for their participation on an ISV program and successful completion of the course requirements. Former students describe earning academic credit for their ISV program as an incredibly effective and worthwhile learning experience.”

Volunteer Location(s): Australia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Eastern Europe, Ecuador, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand

Additional Information: Their projects are related to community development and wild life conservation and are two week volunteer and four week volunteer and adventure tours.

Agency Name: International Volunteer Directory

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: This site is a resource directory.

*Agency Name: International Volunteer HQ

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, India, Latin America, Nepal

Additional Information: Placements including child care, working with HIV/AIDS patients with other health care concerns, teaching agriculture, English and sports

*Agency Name: International YMCA

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): China, Egypt, Europe, Latin America

Additional Information: In their own words: 10 Great Reasons You NEED To Volunteer With IVHQ: “Affordability, Experience, Flexibility, Quality, Support, Safety, Friendship, Need, Loyalty, and Enjoyment.” They use host families and many of the assignments involve teaching and working with children. The program is oriented for college students from New York, New Jersey or Connecticut and is associated with the United Nations. Give them a call and see if there is any way you can get involved if you are from a different state.

Agency Name: IVPSF

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: Click “Volunteer” for a listing of volunteer agencies that are international and national.

Agency Name: Jayne Cravens and Coyote Communications

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: Not a volunteer agency. This is an online resource for how to identify international volunteer agencies.

Agency Name: Joint Assistance Center - currently offline

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): India, Nepal, Sri Lanka

Additional Information: Their motto is “peace through volunteerism.” Their assignments include working with HIV/AIDS patients and women's health.

*Agency Name: Kaya Responsible Travel

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, India, Latin America, Nepal Thailand, New Zealand

***Additional Information: Includes onsite TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) courses. Positions are in environment and conservation research, building projects, teaching and education, wildlife conservation, community development, child care, sports coaching and medical and health placements. There are travel abroad opportunities.

Agency Name: Lutheran World Relief

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East

**Additional Information: Their work involves water, emergency relief, health care, climate and agriculture. The trips are special projects. Give them a call to find out what trip is being planned that may be of interest to you.

Agency Name: MAP International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa

Additional Information: Their goal is to bring health care to the world's communities in the greatest need.

Agency Name: Mercy Corps

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Haiti, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: Not for the faint of heart. Some of their sites are in conflict zones.

*Agency Name: Omprakash

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, the United States

Additional Information: At the link you'll find a great teaching guide on how to travel internationally as a volunteer. Volunteer grants are available. In addition to placing volunteers, they give camera grants. Their projects include education, health, environment, women's empowerment, construction and economic development. When not in the field, you can volunteer for them from home. Travel dates are flexible. All the sites have wonderful photographs but the depiction of the kids on this site is absolutely great. The kids look so adorable.

*Agency Name: One Small Planet


Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

***Additional Information: This is a top notch site for finding agencies and resources.

Agency Name: Operation Smile

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Oceania, the United States of America

Additional Information: A great agency for future and current medical and dental students. The also provide domestic leadership training institutes for students. Volunteers aid in the provision of free surgery for cleft lips and cleft palates.

*Agency Name: Operation Crossroads Africa

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Brazil, the Caribbean

Additional Information: Volunteers 25 years or older can serve as site team leaders. This is the premier international volunteer program and was founded in 1958. It served as the inspiration for the Peace Corps. The organization's motto is "make a difference for others, see the difference in yourself."

Agency Name: Oxfam International / Oxfam America

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, India, Pakistan

Additional Information: They fight poverty to fight injustice by community development and by providing relief after calamities. The USA branch office seeks in-country volunteers and interns. Foreign placement is through the international office.

Agency Name: PACT

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America

Additional Information: They have two large global grant-making programs which are Community REACH (HIV/AIDS) and Civil Society Strengthening. They also have environmental science programs and other projects. They don’t take international volunteers per se but they do have paid and Internship positions in the Washington, D.C. office and globally. The positions are highly competitive. If you are a student with a solid work background you may what to check them out.

Agency Name: Pathfinder International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Near East

Additional Information: Their work is in the area of reproductive health and assisting women and children. They look for people to help fund raise and do not send volunteers abroad. Associating with them though would give you an opportunity to assist and network with professionals in the field of international development.

*Agency Name: Peace Brigades International / USA Branch

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Australia, Europe, Latin America, and United States of America -- They have locations not announced through unofficial small country groups. Please contact them if you are searching for a group near you in your country.

Additional Information: This world famous group focuses on human rights issues.

Agency Name: Peace Corps

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – Yes, credit is granted through Master’s International.

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Oceania

Additional Information: For students with at least one college degree. Community development, construction, conservation, education and health care are among the projects. There is a stipend; medical insurance, intensive language courses and travel. Fellowships, grants and scholarships are available for returning volunteers.

Agency Name: Peace Works: People-to-People

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Haiti

Additional Information: They are very political unlike most of the posted organizations. If you like their work, then check them out.

Agency Name: People to People

Does the agency grant academic credit? – Yes, for professionals, there are continuing education credits.

Volunteer Location(s): Asia (including Cambodia, India and Vietnam)

***Additional Information: They work with educational, legal and medical programs. The have a special student ambassador program. Study abroad is available.

Agency Name: PLAN

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America -- Fund raising efforts are carried on in the following countries: Australia, Belgium (Flemish and French), Canada (English and French), Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, German, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japans, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (French and German), United Kingdom, the United States of America

Additional Information: Their mission is to end childhood poverty.

*Agency Name: Population Council

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East, North Africa

***Additional Information: Research oriented study abroad is available. Their assistance is for HIV/Aids, poverty, gender equity, reproductive help and youths. Fellowships are available and the program volunteers and fellows generate research essays on their projects. This program is a must for scholarly minded students.

Agency Name: Project Hope

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: They deliver health education and medicines onboard ships.

*Agency Name: Projects Abroad

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, South Pacific

***Additional Information: Their projects include archaeology, economic development, law and human rights, teaching, conservation and the environment, sports, culture and community, journalism, veterinary medicine, medicine and health care and construction.

*Agency Name: Proworld

Does the agency grant academic credit? – Yes, credit can be granted through their study abroad program.

Volunteer Location(s): India, Latin America, Nepal, Thailand

***Additional Information: Their projects include community development, conservation and environment, construction, health care, journalism, microfinance and working with youths. Study abroad is available.

*Agency Name: Push International

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Mexico

Additional Information: The actual volunteer location is in Mexico. They provide wheelchairs and occupational therapy assistance

Agency Name: Save the Children

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East, the United States of America

Additional Information: They are an emergency response group that provides health, economic, education and nutrition services to children.

Agency Name: SCI-International Voluntary Service USA

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe

Additional Information: The assignments range from three – twelve months.

*Agency Name: Study Abroad

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - Yes

Volunteer Location(s): They have programs at sea and in the following countries: Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Oceania

***Additional Information: This program has both study abroad and volunteer abroad opportunities.

*Agency Name: Teaching Chile

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Chile

Additional Information: The minimum requirements are to be age 20 or older, to have completed three years of college and to have intermediate Spanish conversational skills. This program combines study abroad with internship.

Agency Name: TechnoServe

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America

Additional Information: Volunteers work three – 12 months to apply business solutions to end poverty and those people with at least three years of experience in the work world are selected so this program would not be the best fit for a novice student. The have some notable partnerships with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Coca Cola Company, and Microsoft.

Agency Name: Think Impact

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? : Yes

Volunteer Location(s): Africa

***Additional Information: This is a summer innovative institute in partnership with several institutions including the University of Southern California and Stanford University and is for students oriented to the social sciences and entrepreneurship.

Agency Name: Transformational World Opportunities

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): San Diego, California, Tecate, Mexico, Tijuana, Mexico

**Additional Information: They set up short-term volunteer travel opportunities for groups of students.

Agency Name: Travel to Teach

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

Additional Information: Volunteers teach English or Information Technology, work with women’s groups, assist with medical and health care aid, or work for wild animal conservation. Internships are available.

Agency Name: UNICEF: United States Fund

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): the United States of America

Additional Information: The emphasis is not on signing on volunteers for international work but in having them to fund raise and teach about UNICEF in their home communities.

Agency Name: Unidas Para Vivir Mejor: Empowering Guatemalan Women...

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – No

Volunteer Location(s): Latin America

Additional Information: Volunteers teach and tutor English. Only students with intermediate Spanish skills, formal training in teaching English as a second language and the ability to live and work effectively “in an impoverished urban area is essential.”

Agency Name: United Children's Fund

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Uganda

Additional Information: The focus is on education, orphans, community development and HIV/AIDS Programs.

Agency Name: United Nations Volunteers (UN Volunteers)

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East,

Additional Information: All skills sets are needed and placements could be in some of the most impoverished locations known to humanity.

*Agency Name: United Planet

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America

Additional Information: Long term assignments for as long as one year and short term assignments are available.

Agency Name: VE Global - Voluntarios de las Esperanza

Agency Website(s): On Hold

Does the agency grant academic credit? – On Hold

Volunteer Location(s): On Hold

Additional Information: On Hold

Agency Name: Volunteer Aid Nepal - NGO

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Nepal

Additional Information: Volunteers take on one of the following assignments: Orphanage Aid; Teach English in Buddhist Monasteries; Assist Children in Learning Computer Education; Assisting with Medical Care; Teaching English and Other Subjects; Community Development; Research and Report Writing; Youth Development and Recreation.

*Agency Name: Volunteering Solutions

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

Additional Information: Volunteers work in schools, orphanages, hospitals, HIV/AIDS clinics and women’s groups.

Agency Name: Volunteer Match

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: This site is an excellent agency locator.

Agency Name: Volunteer Positive

Agency Website(s): Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Chiang Mai, Thailand with locations in Africa and Latin America to be added.

Additional Information: Volunteers assist children and adults with HIV/AIDS and their relatives.

*Agency Name: Volunteers for Peace

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Europe. Latin America, Middle East, United States of America

Additional Information: The projects vary and the emphasis is on cross cultural exchange.

Agency Name: VSO International

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America

Additional Information: Their projects focus on working with the disabled and people with HIV/AIDS, education, community development and secured livelihoods. There is a preference for volunteers with professional experience.

Agency Name: Witness for Peace

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Latin America including Cuba

Additional Information: The main focus of this agency is social justice.

Agency Name: Working Abroad

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East

Additional Information: Some of their projects involve teaching English but the majority of them are related to wildlife conservation.

Agency Name: World Concern

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

**Additional Information: Their work addresses disaster relief, assists children, fights hunger, provides microloans, health services, health services, clean water and wells, education and vocational training.

Agency Name: World Relief

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean

**Additional Information: They help alleviate the devastation of disaster, war and hunger.

Agency Name: World Resources Institute

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? – N/A

Volunteer Location(s): N/A

Additional Information: Their work is divided into four major areas which are as follows: Climate, Energy, and Transportation; Governance and Access; Markets and Enterprise; and People and Ecosystems. For students, volunteer work is through unpaid internships being that they are not a volunteer agency. WRI makes a big effort to raise funds and to support research. They are an excellent source to learn about foreign economic development and volunteer agencies.

Agency Name: World's Wild Life

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Asia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Oceania, the United Kingdom, the United States of America

Additional Information: They are actually a travel adventure business with an emphasis on protecting the environment and wildlife. The volunteerism aspect comes in statewide and your willingness to fund raise or contribute in another way, such as an in office internship, for them.

*Agency Name: World Teach

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Oceania

***Additional Information: Their volunteers teach English to children. They certify students for TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

Agency Name: World Vision

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East

**Additional Information: Volunteers are taken in through internships and are not given international placements but the work one does supports their work in foreign countries.

Agency Name: World Watch Institute

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, the Caribbean

Additional Information: Their projects fall in three groups which are as follows: Climate and Energy; Food and Agriculture; and Environment and Society. Volunteerism is done through unpaid internships.

Agency Name: Worldwide Helpers

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America, the United Kingdom

Additional Information: Volunteers are placed in projects related to human rights, microfinance, homeless children, media and journalism, teaching English and ecology.

*Agency Name: Youth International

Agency Website(s):

Does the agency grant academic credit? - No

Volunteer Location(s): Africa, Asia, South America

Additional Information: This agency provides a combination of cultural exchange, volunteerism and travel adventure for people 18 – 25 years of age.

* This organization is high assessable for students with no or little work experience and little or no international travel experience.

** This is a faith based organization. Faith based organizations (religious) usually accept volunteers of any faith or of no faith.

*** This site has study abroad information.

Moorpark College

Danita Redd:

(805) 378-1524


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